My name is Piotr Rzeszut. I was born in 1994 in Kraków and since childhood I have been interested in science and technology. I was always thinking how and why things around me (the more complicated – the more interesting) work.
In year 2003 I learned on my own basics of C++ programming for PC computers, and later I continued my journey towards embedded systems. In the beginning I was working with Atmel 8051 and AVR series, later expanding my portfolio towards ARM devices (STM32, NRF5x, …) as well as other interesting solutions like ESP32 or ESP8266. Additionally I become interested in FPGA devices.
In 2018 I completed my master’s degree with distinction, presenting a thesis on multi-state magnetic random access memory cells. In 2023 I defended with distinction my PhD thesis on magnetic tunnel junctions and their practical applications as storage and computing devices. For several years I have been performing research work at my alma mater, AGH University of Science and Technology, where I still teach subjects related to digital embedded systems. During the period I published a few scientific papers with my collogues as well as one book and two successful patent applications. Recently I started to work for the industry and I am mainly doing design of FPGA digital logic for various control equipment.
In my private life I try to separate a little bit from technology, so I love sailing and aviation. I like to travel very much, as well as to listen to some film music, read books (mainly crime books) and do some photography (both digital and B/W film-based)